I've just been commissioned to do this Save the Date design for a couple of friends, Sam and Alex. They told me that their favorite animals were bunnies and walruses (respectively) and asked if an illustration of both could be on the design -heck yes! I was excited immediately about the idea of drawing this adorable pair. The bunny was easy as pie since I've been drawing my bunny character for a while now, but the walrus was new and so a bit of a challenge. I looked up photos of the animal to get the shape of the body right and found it pretty easy to translate into my style. The trickiest part was the funny mustache business they have, I struggled to get it right, but I love how it came out in the end! (Note the sketch below has no walrus-y mustache because I wasn't sure how to draw it.)
ps. My husband Jesse may or may not have thought that the walrus was a lobster at first....