Sunday, May 8, 2011


I took a bit of time today to apply watercolor to some recent sketches. It's been a goal of mine to draw more from my imagination and memory as well as try to tell a story. Sometimes the most interesting images come from an open mind, unconcerned with recording an object from life. I had a lot of fun coloring them in, it was a bit like a coloring book!

Through the next few months I'll be travelling quite a bit and in September Jesse and I will be moving to Los Angeles! It's a very exciting time and I plan to keep a sketchbook journal throughout the summer to record these funny little illustrations.


Sherry Lundquist said...

Mary, it;s always so nice to see your new work. I especially like the ship sailing across the laptop, sort of a metaphor for life these days. Thank you also for your beautiful mother's day note. i am so blessed to have such a loving, beautiful and talented daughter in law.

David Shannon-Lier said...

Mary, so excited to ear about your travels this summer and I can't wait to see you guys on the west coast. David and I need to be in Arizona by August 10th. Hopefully we'll be a bit settled and once your settled we can head out to see you guys or vice versa.

Laura Skilbeck said...

I've just discovered your illustrations and I think they are brilliant!